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2022-07-27 08:12:04 投稿作者:网友投稿 点击:





 今天我进行了党员谈话, 和老师谈了好多, 总结起来分为以下几个方面:

 入党动机、 对党的认识、 学习成绩以及未来规划、 学生工作。

 我小时候从姥爷讲的故事中了第一次了解到了中国共产党, 对故事中的共产党人敬佩不已。经过了小学、 初中、 高中的学习, 我更加了解中国共产党, 总在幻想, 如果我是一名共产党员, 那该有多好。

 到了大学, 通过学习党章党史以及和同龄共产党员的接触, 我对党的认识更加深刻, 认识到了共产党员的优秀, 更加坚定了我的入党信念, 在大一就提交了入党申请书, 并通过了院校两级党校考试, 但由于成绩不过关, 没有获得进一步发展的资格, 直到现在才有了发展预备党员的机会。

 大一一年, 我加入过十几个社团, 坚持到最后的有求实团校、 校科协、 校社团团委。

 在这三个社团中, 我是相当的活跃, 积极组织参加每项活动, 获得了很好的锻炼, 积累了大量的经验。

 大二时, 我受聘成为求实团校宣传部部长, 并在大二下学期成为求实团校高团六班班主任, 在做好自己部长工作的同时, 我也为学员们设计好培训计划, 带领他们做社会实践, 在最后总评中, 我们高团六班获得了第二名的好成绩。

 在班级活动中, 我也积极参加。

 我大一上学期是班里的团支书, 带领班级举办了大量活动。

 因为我在宣传部工作, 所以为班级宣传工作出力较多。

 也许是因为我在社团和班级的工作吧, 我大一、 大二成绩不太好, 在班级处于中下游。

 大三一年, 我辞去了所有的社团职务, 专心学习专业知识, 这一年我的成绩直线上升, 有了明显的提高。

 大四, 我正在准备考本校的研究生, 现在正在复习。

 由于现在时间比较紧, 我对实事关注不太多, 只是有个大致的了解。



 预备党员谈话(Talk to probationary party members)(预备党员谈话(跟预备党员))

 预备党员谈话(Talk to probationary party members)(预备党员谈话(跟预备党员))

 1. motivation to join the party: (according to personal circumstances)

 2., the nature of the party:

 Chinese Communist Party is the vanguard of the working class. At the same time Chinese is China people and the Chinese nation and the vanguard. Is the core of leadership for the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics, China represented the development direction of the most advanced productive forces, representing the orientation of China advanced culture, represent the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people Chinese

 3., the guiding ideology of the party: the Communist Party of China takes Marx, Lenin, Mao Zedong thought, Deng Xiaoping theory and the important thought of the Three Represents as its guidelines for action

 4. party building time: 1921.7.1

 5, the ultimate goal of the party is to realize communism

 6, the fundamental task of the party at this stage is to build socialism with Chinese characteristics

 7, the three styles of the party: Theory and practice, close ties with the masses, criticism and self-criticism

  8, the organizational principle of the party: Democratic Centralism

 9, the basic principles of the party"s democratic centralism:

 Party members are subject to the party organizations, the minority to the majority, the subordinate organizations to the higher level organizations, and all Party organizations and all Party members subject to the party"s National People"s Congress and the Central Committee

 10 the highest leading organ of the party: the National People"s Congress of the party and the Central Committee it produces

 11, there are several disciplinary measures for Party members: 1 warning, 2 serious warning, 3 withdrawal of party posts, 4 party inspection, 5 expelled from the party

 12 basic requirements for applying for membership of the party:

 At least eighteen years of age China workers, peasants, soldiers, intellectuals and advanced elements of other social strata. Recognizes a group in the party constitution voluntarily participate in the party and in which the positive work. The implementation of the party"s will and pay membership dues for the Communist Party is willing to join China.

 13, the basic line of the party in the primary stage of socialism:

 Leadership and unity of the people of all ethnic groups, taking economic construction as the center, adhere to the four cardinal principles. The reform and opening up, self-reliance, hard work. In order to build China into a prosperous, democratic and civilized socialist country and struggle.

 14 probationary party members do not pay dues to pay:

 15, the difference between probationary and formal party members: obligations are the same. Rights are different. There is no right to vote. Both the right to vote and the right to vote

 16 how to calculate the time of joining the party: from the date when the probationary Party member becomes a full Party member

 17 can members of the party participate in other religious beliefs?

 18, can the masses petition party members to participate?

 What time is the 19 self defections: there is no justification for the six consecutive month does not participate in the party organization

 Life or do not pay dues or do work assigned by the party, is considered one of self defections.

 20, to carry out the objectives of advanced sexual education activities:

 Improve the quality of Party members and strengthen grass-roots organizations

 Serve the people and promote the work

 21, the party"s mass line?

 All for the masses, all rely on the masses. From the masses. To the masses, the party"s correct views into the masses of conscious action

 22, China"s primary stage of socialism is the main contradiction:

 The contradiction between the increasing material and cultural needs of the masses and the backward social productive forces

 23 what is the advanced nature of the Communist Party? It is the unity of quality, ability and behavior

 24, what should we do to strengthen party members" consciousness?

 1 always remember that you are a member of the Communist Party

 2, we should have party members" sense of political honor and sense of responsibility

 3, always use the standards of Party members, strict demands on yourself

 25, the Party Constitution stipulates that the party organizations must discuss and decide the principles of "minority to majority"

 26, the basic important conditions of Party members:

 1, the Communist Party of China is a vanguard of the Chinese working class with communist consciousness

 2, the Chinese Communist Party members must serve the people wholeheartedly, and strive to realize communism for all their lives at the expense of all their individual lives

 3, the Communist Party members will always be the ordinary members of the working people, and all the Communists should not seek any private interests and privileges other than the personal interests and powers of work within the provisions of the laws and policies

 27, Party members must fulfill their obligations

 1 studying the Marx Lenin doctrine, Mao Zedong thought, Deng Xiaoping theory and the important thought of Three Represents, study the party"s line. Policy, policies and resolutions, basic knowledge, learning to learn science. The party"s culture and business knowledge, and strive to improve their ability to serve the people

 2 to implement the party"s basic line and policy. The policy, take the lead in reform and opening-up and socialist modernization construction, lead the masses for the economic

 development and social progress in the production, work hard, play the exemplary vanguard role of learning and social life.

 3 adhere to the party and the people"s interests above everything else, personal interests to the interests of the party and people, suffer first, enjoy after making contributions. Wholehearted devotion to public duty.

 4, conscientiously abide by the party"s discipline, exemplary compliance with the laws and regulations of the state, strictly guard the secrets of the party and the state, implement the party"s decision, obey the organizational distribution, and actively accomplish the tasks of the party

 5 to maintain the unity of the party and the party honest, consistent, firmly opposed to all factions and small group activities, oppose double dealing and all schemes and intrigues.

 6, earnestly carry out criticism and self-criticism, dare to expose and correct shortcomings in the work, make mistakes and resolutely fight against negative corruption

 7, closely contact the masses, publicize the party"s views, discuss matters with the masses, and promptly reflect the opinions and demands of the masses on the basis of the masses, and safeguard the legitimate interests of the masses

 8, carry forward the socialist order and advocate the communist morality. In order to protect the interests of the state and the people, come forward bravely and bravely in all the

 difficult and dangerous times, without fear of sacrifice

 28 rights enjoyed by Party members:

 1 participate in the relevant meetings of the party, read the relevant documents of the party, and accept the party"s education and training

 2 at the party"s meetings and in the newspapers and periodicals of the party, we should take part in the discussion on the party"s policy

 3, make suggestions and suggestions on the party"s work

 4 according to the meeting at the party"s criticism of any party organization or party members, the party responsible to expose and report any party organization or Party discipline in demanding to punish such a member, required to remove or replace the incompetent cadres

 5 exercising the right to vote, the right to vote, and the right to be elected

 6 when the party organizations discuss and decide party disciplinary measures or make an appraisal of Party members, I have the right to participate in and make a plea, and other party members may testify and defend him

 7 if there are different opinions on the resolutions and policies of the party, they may declare their reservations under the premise of resolute implementation, and may put their

 opinions to the higher level organizations of the party to the Central Committee

 8 apply to the higher Party organizations and even the Central Committee for applications, complaints and charges, and require the organizations concerned to give their responsibilities and replies. Any party organization at the party level, until the Central Committee, has no right to deprive the party members of the above-mentioned rights

 29, Party members need to perform the procedures:

 Fill out an application to join the party, there are two official members as party membership, after the Party branch meeting and approved by the higher Party organizations, and through a year"s probation review, to become full members.

 30, the fundamental purpose of our party is to serve the people heart and soul

 31. code of conduct for the Communist Party of china:

 32., the basic line of the party:

 Leadership and unity of the people of all ethnic groups, taking economic construction as the center, adhere to the four cardinal principles and the reform and opening up, self-reliance, hard work, in order to build China into a prosperous, democratic, civilized and modern socialist country and struggle.

