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2022-07-25 15:36:03 投稿作者:网友投稿 点击:







 1、I(宾格) __________

  2、dish(复数) __________

 3、sit(现在分词) __________ 5、tall(反义词) __________

  6、young(反义词) __________7、white(反义词) __________ 8、she(物主代词) __________

 9、desk(同义词) __________

 10、housewife(复数) __________ 11、children(单数) __________12、swim(现在分词) __________13、up(反义词) __________ 14、is not(缩略式) _________

 15、left(反义词) __________ 二、按要求改写下面的句子:)

 1. There are some watches on the table. ( 改 为 否 定 句 )___________________________________ 2. There is a knife in the box.(改为复句)___________________________________________ 3. There is an apple in the fridge.(对划线部分提问)___________________________________ 4 .The boys are playing football in the park.(改为一般疑问句)

 __________________________ 5. Mr. Zhang is my teacher.(改为一般疑问句)

 _______________________________________ 三、用 a、some.或 any 填空:(每题 1 分,共 5 分)

 1、I have _______new bike.

  2、There is ______milk in the glass.

  3、Is there ________bread in the kitchen.

  4、I want __ ___coffee.

  5、There is ________apple on the table. 四、用 in、at、on、under 填空:

 Those books are ______the shelf.

 2. I have dinner ______ the evening. My father play basketball ________Sunday.

  4. They go fishing ______ weekends. There is a dog ________ the table. 五、用恰当的词填空:

 1. Those girls aren’t Chinese. They come from Germany. They’re ______________.

 2. That is my English magazine. Give it to ___________, please.

 3. --- Is there __________ milk on the table? --- No, there isn’t.

 4. In our village all the shops aren’t ___________ at lunchtime. They are closed.

 5. --- Is that bag heavy? --- No, it isn’t. It is quite ___________.

 6. Helen’s computer is __________ her closet. It doesn’t work now.

 7. --- What are you ___________? --- I’m washing my clothes.

 8. I’ve got a bad cold. I think I must go and see a ______________.

 9. The sun rises in the east and sets in the __________.

 10. My husband doesn’t like bananas. I don’t like bananas, __________.

 11. Are you going to the __________? We need some salt and a bottle of vinegar.

 12. Mike is a sales rep, he ________ bicycles at a big store.

 13. As soon as the alarm clock rings every morning, I get up at ___________.

 14. In the photograph we can see the little boy is standing ________ her mother and her father.

 15. I don’t like milk in my coffee. I like ___________ coffee.



  ) 1. Whose shirt is this?


  )2. Come and see my new bedroom.


  ) 3. Who is this young man?


  ) 4. What’s the matter, children?


  ) 5. Where are my magazines?


  ) 6. What are the children doing?


  ) 7. Who are you going to see?


  ) 8. What are you going to do with those flowers?


  ) 9. Can you make the tea, Sam?


  ) 10.ere’s Pamela?


  ) 11 Do you want beef or lamb?


  ) 12 Is this your handbag, Alice?


  ) 13 How are you today?


  ) 14 What’s your job?


  ) 15 What colour are your new shoes?


  ) 16 What are their jobs?


  ) 17 How do you do?


  ) 18 Where’s the teapot? I can’t see it.


  ) 19 What’s the weather like here in winter?


  ) 20 What nationality are you?

 a. It’s over there --- behind the kettle.

 b. We’re Chinese.

 c. No, my bag is blue.

  d. Yes, of course I can.

 e. Thank you, sir.

  f. Perhaps it is Tim’s.

 g. It’s cold and it rains a lot.

 h. They’re red.

 i. Neither, Mr Smith.

 j. I’m going to see Dan.

 k. I’m very well, thank you.

 l. How do you do?

 m. She’s next door.

  n. They’re policemen.

 o. I’m a nurse.

  p. They’re playing in the garden.

 q. They’re on the shelf.

 r. He is our office assistant.

 s. We’re tired and thirsty, Mum.

 t. I’m going to put them in that vase. 七. 完形填空:

 I"m a lion. My name is Linlin. I have a big head and a big


 . I have two little ears and


 tall legs. I live in the zoo now.


 I don"t like it. My favourite


 is green. I like green


 and green grass. I want to live in the forest(森林). My favourite food


 meat. I like to


 small animals(动物). I don"t like the meat in the zoo. It"s not


 . I want to go


 . I feel lonely(孤独的). I want to go back to my


 in the forest.

 1. A. shoulder B. hair C. arm D. mouth

 2. A. one B. two C. four D. five

 3. A. But B. And C. Or D. Too

 4. A. food B. drink C. colour D. clothes

 5. A. trees B. roses C. strawberries D. apples

 6. A. am B. is C. are D. has

 7. A. cut B. draw C. sing D. eat

  8. A. delicious B. purple C. long D. young

 9. A. in B. out C. at D. on

 10. A. teachers B. boys C. girls D. friends

 八. 阅读理解: (10 分)

 Passage 1 Lucy and Lily are twins. They look the same. They are both 1.60 meters tall. They have round faces, big eyes and long hair. They often wear the same clothes. They are in the same class-Class 5. They both get up at six o"clock. After breakfast they walk to school together. But they have some differences. Lucy is lovely and active. She talks a lot. Lily is quiet and gentle (温柔). She talks a little. Lucy likes fruit but Lily likes meat. Lucy is good at English, and Lily is good at Chinese. They both work hard.

 1. Lucy and Lily are________. A. friends B. brothers C. teachers D. twins

 2. Lucy and Lily are________. A. in the same grade B. thirteen C. very beautiful D. very tall

 3. From the passage we know that________.

 A. they have breakfast before (在...之前)six B. their home is near (近) school

 C. they have big eyes and short hair

  D. they like fruit very much

 4. Their characters (性格) are________ A. the same B. quite different C. very active D. quiet

 5. Which of these is true?

 A. They are good at English. B. They go to school by bike.

 C. They like the same clothes. D. They are in Class 6.

 Passage 2 We have a flat(公寓) in London. There are six families in that building, Lucy and her son Tom, Tom is a student in .14 middle school . He is thirteen years old. His mother is a policewoman, Flat 102 is Sally’s family. Her parents, Nick and Helen are teachers. Her grandpa, Peter lives with them. Sam and Mary are in flat 201. They are very old. They have a son , Ned. Ned works in China now. Rose lives in Flat 202. She is a doctor. Flat 302 is Joy’s home. She is 71 years old. Joy has a daughter,

 Jane. Jane works in Hong Kong. Jean, Jane’s daughter, lives with her grandma. Every-one here is nice. They are all happy. (

  )1 Where is our flat?


 It’s in China.


 It’s in England.


 It’s in Canada.


 It’s in America. (

  ) 2

 Where does Lucy work?


 She works in a library.


 She works in a school.


 She works in a police office.


 She works in a restaurain. (

  ) 3

 How may sons do Sam and Mary have?


 They have one. B

 They have two sons. C They have four sons. D They have four sons. (

  ) 4

 Who is Jane?


 She is Joy’s mother, Jean’s daughter.


 She is Joy and Jean’s mother.


 She is Joy’s daughter, Jean’s mother.


 She is Jean’s grandmother, Joy’s mother. (

  ) 5 What’s our flat’s number?

  A It’s 201.


 It’s 302.


 It’s 301.


 It’s 102. 九、选出划线部发音不同的单词。(10 分)


 )1.A. match

 B. talk

 C. watch

 D. awful (

  ) 2.A.crowd

 B. exciting C. cake

 D. haircut


  )3.A. crash

 B. fish

 C. finish

 D. peach (

  )4.A. teapot

 B. chocolate C. coffee

 D. tobacco (

  )5.A. teeth

 B. truth

 C. either

 D. south 十、按要求填空。(10 分)



  2. have

  (过去分词 )

 3. buy


  4. Let’s



  (现在分词 )

  6. see

  (过去分词) 7.sheep



 (第三人称单数形式) 9.leave


 10. wife

  (复数形式) 十一读短文,判断对错。正确用 T 表示;错误用 F 表示。

 Mrs. Jones’s telephone number was 3463, and the number of the cinema in her town was 3464,so many people often made a mistake and telephoned her when they wanted to buy film tickets. One evening the telephone bell rang loudly and Mrs. Jones answered it. A very tired man said, “At what time does your last film begin?” “I’m so sorry,” said Mrs. Jones, “I’m afraid you have called the wrong number. This is not the cinema.” “Oh, it began half an hour ago?” said the man, “What a pity! Goodbye.”

 Mrs. Jones was very surprised, so she told this to her husband. He laughed and said, “The man’s wife wanted to go to the cinema, but he was feeling tired, so he phoned the cinema. His wife can hear him, but she can’t hear you. Now they will stay at home this evening, and the husband will be happy!”

 1 Mr. Jones answered the telephone. (


  2 People can call 3463 to buy a film ticket. (


 3 Mrs. Jones knows why the man said so on the phone.(


 4 The man who telephoned didn’t want to go to the cinema.(


 5 The man who telephoned lied to his wife. (


 十二. 单项选择题。从题中所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳答案。

 -- We"re going to have a picnic tomorrow.Why don"t you come with us?


  , but I have something important to do tomorrow.

  A. You"re right

  B. I"d like to

 C. I don"t mind

 D. Maybe next time -- Go for hiking this Saturday,OK?


  . I like getting close to nature.

  A. I couldn"t agree more

 B. I believe not

 C. I"m afraid not

 D. I don"t think so -- How often do you eat out?


 , but usually once a week.

  A. Have no idea

 B. It depends

  C. As usual

  D.Generally speaking -- How about seeing the new movie at the theatre tonight?


 , but i"ve got to go over my notes for tomorrow"s exam.

  A. All right

  B.Sounds great

 C. I can"t

 D.I"m terribly sorry -- How about putting some pictures into the report?


 A picture is worth a thousand words.




 P Pa a1. 写47、 2. 写 3. 写法国挪威 4. 家a a rt 1 单 词写出下列数字62、359、写出下列物品写出下列国籍国人、德国人威人、俄罗斯家庭成员填空阶段词 测试(字的英文(共6183

  品的颜色(共籍的英文(共、日本人、中斯人、荷兰人空(共 6 分,1(les s0 共 70 分共 4 分,每个共 9 分,每个共 13 分,每个中国人、韩国人 ,每个 1 分)s s son 1 1分 )

 个 1 分)

 个 1 分)

 个 1 分)


 1 1 -24 )人、美国人、英)

 测试 英国人、意大(满分 100大利人、丹麦分)


  5. 写键盘师、6. 写写出下列职业盘操作员、邮理发师、海写出下列日常业的英文(共邮递员、警察海关官员、推常用品的英文共 13 分,每个、送奶工、卖推销员、办公文(共 25 分个 1 分)

 卖冰淇淋的人室助理 ,每个 1 分人、护士、家)

 家庭主妇、 出租车司机、机械

 P Pa aP Pa aA: 打B: 是A: 这B: 你A: 它B: 梅A: 你a a rt 2 连 线a a rt 3 中 译打扰一下,先是的。

 这车挺棒的。你说什么? 它是什么牌子梅赛德斯·奔你是工程师吗线 对应 的译 英(10 0先生。这是你。它是什么牌子的? 驰。

 吗? 的 反义词0 0 分)

 你的车吗?牌子的? 0 (共 10 分,每 对 1 分 )


 B: 不是。我是名空乘。

 A: 那些也是你的车吗? B: 不是,它们是我朋友们的车。

 Part 4 名词复数(共 10 分,每个 0.5 分)


 本测试及答案来自魔力英语 Chelsea 的新概念英语第一册课程。适合同学们阶段性查漏补缺。

